MEDIA: Very Good Plus (VG+)SLEEVE: GenericCOMMENTS: vinyl is EX~NM, black plain jacket, with insert, no sticker
ARTIST: VariousTITLE: スペース☆ダンディ = Space☆Dandy Original Song Selection Analog AlbumLABEL: Flying DogCAT: FLDVM-1TYPE: VinylFORMAT: VinylCOUNTRY: JapanRELEASED: 2014-07-18GENRE: Electronic, Jazz, Funk / Soul, Stage & ScreenSTYLES: Ambient, Soul, Soul-Jazz, Space-Age, House, Electro, SoundtrackWEIGHT: 280g
The embedded video is for reference only. It may differ from the actual contents. / 掲載動画は参考用です。実際の収録内容とはヴァージョンなどが異なる可能性があります。